
Tankage Projects

Tank Projects

Client and Location
Job Number 8140 Consultancy Services for Project Management and Facilities for Setting up LPG Import Facility at Kochi
 IOCL, Mumbai 
4 Nos. Proane and 4Nos. Butabe Bullets
Job Number-32643 Construction of Sulphuric Acid Storage (8200MT) at WI FACT-CD-WI ONGOING
Job Number-32644 Construction of Two Phosphoric Acid Storage Tank (8200MTx2) at WI FACT-CD-WI ONGOING
Job Number-32645 Construction of 10000MT Ammonia  Storage at Cochin Division FACT- CD ONGOING
Job Number-32646 Construction of Two Sulphuric Acid Storages (5000MTx2) at FACT-CD FACT-CD ONGOING
Job Number 8147 PMC for Crude Oil Tank  construction at STF
BPCL-KR Puthu Vypin, Kochi
79M Da. Crude OIl Tank
Job Number 8129 Consultancy services for implementation of Crude & Product Tankages on BOOT basis for Paradip Refinery Project
 IOCL, Paradip
Crude Oil Tanks-11 
LPG- 9 Bullets
Propylene- 6 bullets
Sulphur- 3 Tanks
DPK- 4 Tanks
Naphtha- 4 Tanks 
HSD- 7 Tanks 
MS- 5 Tanks 
SKO- 1 Tank
Intermediate Tanks-1